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RFID Wet Inlay Reduces Waste and Increases Recycling

In the context of global attention on sustainable development, reducing waste and increasing recycling have become important topics for various institutions. Despite the increasing discussions in this area, many practical challenges remain. Especially in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry, excessive packaging and hard-to-handle multi-layer packaging are often overlooked. However, the emergence of RFID wet inlay technology is providing innovative solutions to these problems, helping to reduce waste and improve recycling efficiency.

The Role of RFID Wet Inlay Technology in Reducing Waste

RFID wet inlay technology provides unique identification for products by embedding low-cost Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags into packaging. This technology allows consumers to access information about product usage, food storage, and cooking instructions. For example, RFID tags can record the best before date and storage conditions of food, helping consumers reduce food waste. In this way, RFID wet inlay technology can effectively extend the shelf life of food and reduce the amount of food discarded due to expiration.

In addition, RFID wet inlay can also be used to improve recycling efficiency. For example, smart recycling bins use RFID technology to calculate the number of items deposited and reward consumers with points based on the amount recycled. This incentive mechanism not only promotes positive recycling behavior but may also be more effective than traditional "pay-as-you-throw" schemes. In this way, RFID technology can guide consumers to better participate in the recycling process, thereby reducing waste generation.

The Application of RFID Wet Inlay Technology in Improving Recycling Rates

In the field of recycling, RFID wet inlay technology has also demonstrated significant advantages. Traditional recycling processes often struggle to handle composite packaging that contains different materials, such as multi-layer plastics or black plastic trays. These materials are usually difficult to separate during recycling, leading to substantial resource wastage. The introduction of RFID technology can help the recycling system identify and separate these materials by embedding RFID tags in the packaging.

Specifically, some large label manufacturers have made breakthroughs in adhesive technology, allowing RFID wet inlay to separate from valuable plastic bottles or cardboard during recycling. For glass packaging, RFID tags will burn off during the melting process, not affecting the reuse of glass. In terms of cardboard packaging, Smurfit Stone has demonstrated that RFID tags and inlays can be easily separated during the pulping process, greatly improving the recycling rate of cardboard.

Through these technological improvements, RFID wet inlay technology not only enhances the recycling rate of packaging materials but also helps save substantial resources. For example, in the UK, this technology can save up to one million tons of plastic waste from landfills each year.



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